Tummy Tuck
The abdominoplasty procedure, otherwise known as a tummy tuck, is a procedure that reshapes the stomach and abdomen area to give a flatter, smoother profile. It is particularly popular with new mums and with those women who have lost a significant amount of weight and have been left with excess, loose skin.
The surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic and is used to remove any excess skin and fatty tissue, reshape the area and create a slimmer, smoother and tighter abdominal area. This procedure takes between 2-3 hours in theatre.

A tummy tuck surgery can be combined with liposuction for those who are looking to achieve a slimmer waistline. Feeling self-conscious about your figure can make it really difficult to be confident in yourself and can even stop you wearing outfits you’d love to look good in. Having a firm, flat stomach can make a huge difference to the way you feel especially when it’s not possible to achieve this through diet and exercise alone.
When you book a consultation with Mabroor Bhatty he’ll go over the procedure and expected results you wish to achieve. Tummy tuck costs start at £9000.